Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why Do Civilizations have Laws?

in order for you to have a civilization you have to be civilized and if you define to be civilize it means to change the ways of (primitive people) to those found in a more advanced type of society and to have an advanced society you have to enforce rules

If a son strikes his father his hand shall be cut off. I said i was in the middle because if it was a tiny hit and they cut of his hand thats inhumane but if he was really physically abusing him they should punish him so he doesnt get spoilt but not something as barbaric as cutting off someones arm and plus he won't be off any use

Monday, December 1, 2008

Why did I chose

"Civilization Spreading around the world"
i chose this because it basically explains what we watched in Germs, Guns and metal how things were and why other continents were behind in their technology and it showed how People in papau New Guinea survived even though they had low protein and didn't live that long i thought the movie was interesting