Monday, October 19, 2009

Pandora's Box & Orphan Boy

Curiousity is greatly frowned upon by Gods, like in the African myth Orphan Boy and in the Greek myth Pandora's Box. Both myths illustrates that curiousity can challenge authority and power and also lead to change.The God(s) didn't like their power to be questioned. If they said doing something is strictly forbidden you cannot do it for example in both Orphan Boyand Pandora's Box they were told not to do a specific thing but there was so much temptations that they could not resist they were punished greatly and had so much loss if they were loyal and less curious it wouldn't have happened and that is an example of challenging authority and also curiousity leading to change when pandora open that box she unleashed all of zeus tricks that were later on sent down to humans and the only good tiny weak hope. Curiousity can challenge authority and by authority I mean the God(s) and it can also lead to change and that definently was portrayed in both myths.