Thursday, February 4, 2010

Holocaust Web Quest

Go to this website and read the article :

  1. Why did she call the teddy bear a refugee ?
  2. Why did the killing of Jews start immediately why didn't they trick them into coming into a concentration camp and kill them there?
  3. How did she survive taking this new job and why didn't anyone think she was a jew?
  4. Why was Sophie so surprised and shocked to find out she was jewish why had she forgotten herself ?
  5. What type of relationship did she have with the bear and why had she kept for so long?
  6. Why was this man so touched to make a replica of "Refugee"
  7. On the map on the site you can see Poland and Germany are very close together so do you think that it was easy to escape
  8. (Go to Describes her years in Poland living under a false identity Personal Stories read the whole Transcript) Do you think that the brainwashing was fast and effective
  9. Do you think the teddy bear was important?why?
  10. Write a reflection talking about her connection between the teddy bear whether or not it was important and compare her position and luck to the people who gut captured and put in a concentration camp